Similix OneClick migration is a licensed, dedicated software product for migrating legacy GIS data to the ArcGIS Utility Network. OneClick is based on experience with Utility Network migration over the past 8 years and from many small and large migration projects across several domains including electric, gas, water, sewer and telco systems. The purpose of OneClick is to provide your company the network data that you need to effectively and efficiently run your business for many years into the future.
The name of OneClick origins from the idea of having one single tool that supports the entire migration process without writing any code and when configured it is a matter of clicking one button to run the entire migration process in one click. This ambition is fully supported and OneClick includes configurable tools for loading and preparing source data from migration, tools for pre-processing data, mapping data to the Utility Network and building the network when migrated.
The OneClick toolbox comes with a large set of configurable tools. If you need tools that is not already available you can write your own tools and make them available in the toolbox.

The tools in the toolbox can be applied as migration steps in the user interface of OneClick. Each tool can be applied multiple times with different configuration if needed. Steps can be grouped in logical larger steps. To run order of the tools can be changed by move steps or groups up and down in the list with migration steps. Steps and groups can be selected or de-selected depending if they should be included in the next migration run or not.

An important tool that is also included in Similix OneClick is Similix Migration Suite. This tool allow the the user to map from source feature classes to the asset types of a target Utility Network. The Migration Suite offers s rich set of options for setting up feature mappings, attribute mappings and association mappings. Also, subnetwork controllers can be configured as part of the setup. The mappings are stored in a mapping file that can be included in a step in OneClick.